TeleHealth Appointments
Talk to the Doc. Request an appointment.
Mojo Vitality is a place you can visit, but we’re all set to go with you should you choose to speak with us from the comfort of your own home. Request an appointment to video chat with a Mojo Vitality provider who can address any of the topics you want to address with your personal health goals.
Register with Mojo Vitality
Mojo Vitality partners with NextGen for patient portal access. If you have already spoken with us at Mojo Vitality to register for your first appointment, you should have received an email to register at www.yourhealthfile.com. If you are unsure you received that email or are having issues with the website, you can sign the consent forms below.
Doing a TeleHealth with us? Be sure to register in your patient portal first! Otherwise you will be unable to access the video link.